Thoughts On: Learning to Appreciate The Little Moments

Learning to Appreciate the Little Moments

It might sound cliche to say we all need time to “stop and smell the roses” however, scientific research suggests that taking time to appreciate the little moments in life is vital.

Like many idioms and phrases – this one has a particular grain of truth. According to research published in The Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, people who learn to appreciate small but meaningful things in their life may find it easier to feel happy. The secret lies in our ability to connect to the world around us. Taking time to appreciate the little moments allows us to see their value. It also gives us the ability to attach a positive meaning to that value.

Learning to Appreciate the Little Moments – A Journey

Original Art by Rhea Hanlon – I just love her beautiful prints.

It is so easy, in our fast-paced world, to ignore the little things. Soft, quiet moments that feel like a hug from the universe. In the past, I’ve taken these moments for granted. Lately, I’ve been noticing them more and more.

When the daily news feels overwhelming, and we feel like we’re stepping from one crisis to another there’s power in that beautiful first sip of tea on a misty morning. It offers a sense of reassurance. Okay, it whispers, let’s just take this moment.

More and more, I find myself storing these little moments up. Throughout the summer, I’ve taken time to sit under the tree in my garden. Admiring the way the light is playing through the leaves. I’ve let myself be still enough that the curious robin pops out from his spot in the hedge. And I’ve felt…happy. Truly content, even if just for that moment.

These little moments fill up my cup. They arm with a resilience that has felt sorely depleted after three years of the pandemic.

Looking for Amelie Moments

One of my favourite films is Amelie. I love the way the story introduces each character with a list of idiosyncratic traits. This person likes eating roast chicken on a Sunday. Whereas this person enjoys listening to funny laughs on the Metro. It feels like a love story to the little moments.

As a result, I’ve started referring to moments like this as “Amelie Moments”. Whenever I notice them, I try to write them down. Have I mentioned that I’m a Virgo and love a good list? I know this might not work for everyone but having this list is like a happiness boost. It includes things like:

  • Seeing my pretty cups stacked on the shelf
  • Slowly pressing down the top on a cafetiere
  • Watching the birds play in the garden
  • Feeling connected to others when I smile at them

A Lot of Little Moments = A Big Life

Because when you think about it, our life is made up of millions of little moments. It’s easy to focus on the big stuff. The milestones. The huge, scary things. But really, each day is packed with tiny moments that keep us going.

If you’re English like me, you’ll know there’s power in a good cup of tea. Just as there’s power in taking a second to acknowledge how good it feels to laugh with friends. Or dance like no one’s watching.

These thoughts became crystallised recently when I saw the picture above. I was on holiday by the sea and I connected with it instantly. The artist, Rhea Hanlon, captured the sense of appreciating the little moments so powerfully. It now sits on my desk, reminding me to appreciate the little moments!

So, whatever your little moments look like, I hope you remember to appreciate them!

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