How to Embrace Change

how to embrace change

I began thinking about writing a post called how to embrace change a few months ago. Since then, the world has changed irrevocably before my eyes on a daily basis and it’s brought this topic to the forefront of my mind like never before.

We’re living through the global COVID-19 pandemic right now. For many of us, the sense of normality that we rely on has been severely shaken. And with so many quick-fire changes being hurtled at us it’s hard to keep up. And that imbalance means that life suddenly feels scary.

As humans, we’re made up of the habits, routines and familiar spaces we surround ourselves with. When these change it can be hard. However, sometimes learning to embrace change requires a little extra effort.

This is one of those times.

embrace change
Embrace Change

Control The Things You Can, Let Go of The Things You Can’t

Change is one of the only constants in life. Life isn’t static, it changes around us every second. It’s usually one of the joys of living. Seeing seasons change, and so do we…And yet many of us are scared of change. We resist it and we try to avoid it, we only like the change we can control. What control freaks!

But what would happen if we turn change on its head. After all, there are some changes in life that we do choose, like moving house, changing careers, even getting a dramatic haircut. If we can learn to let go of the change that we can’t control and instead look at the little things we can do instead it can help stem that feeling of panic that rises from life feeling out of balance.

Don’t Do Anything

When big change happens, like with COVID-19, many of us flipped straight into panic mode. If you’re like me, your mind started running ten to the dozen trying to comprehend everything you had to do NOW to mitigate this change. For some of us, this urgent need to do something manifested in an urge to hoard toilet rolls!

As it turns out, this is a normal reaction. It’s our tendency, when change happens unexpectedly, to over-react to the situation. But this can often lead straight to panic and anxiety. A negative loop none of us wants to be stuck in. We tune into 24hour news, we vigilantly monitor the situation.

But ultimately, we are powerless to change anything. Instead, acknowledge that it’s ok to retreat into your bubble sometimes. Turn off the constant cycle of news, or if that feels too much, give yourself a set time of the day to check-in. Sometimes the best way to embrace change is to simply allow it to happen around us and give time for the dust to settle.

Try to Stick to Your Routine

When the UK Government started implementing social distancing rules and required those who can to work from home I didn’t give the logistics much thought. I was just relieved they were finally acting. I’m lucky to work in an office that was well equipped to enable us to work from home. So I packed up my computer screens and set up shop in a corner of my living room. The first few days felt like play-acting and so it wasn’t until the next Monday that it dawned on me that this isn’t just a bit of fun.

One of the unexpected changes that rattled me the most was the loss of my weekly routine. I’d gone from having my work hours set out for me to being responsible for my own schedule, to a large extent. Learning to embrace change in this context, has meant that I have had to tap into my own self-motivation in a new way. Whilst it’s been a struggle at times, I’ve also learnt a lot about myself in the process. It has been so important to find a routine that works for me in this new context. Sure it’s a bit different from before, but so is everything!

Keep a Record

It can be difficult to remember all the little changes that happen around you if you don’t keep track. Life has a funny way of rolling onwards without slowing down. One day you’re in the middle of life-changing events, the next they’re a distant memory.

Keeping a record of what it feels like during the moment if like giving your future self a gift. When I look back on 2020 from a safe distance I probably won’t remember the gritty details but the overall picture. But having a journal or some other kind of record will enable me to go back to that time and see how far I have come since.

It’s also a great way to take control of a situation in a small way. I mentioned above that sometimes change happens and nothing we do can impact it. But giving yourself a healthy space to process everything can help us re-balance the equilibrium.

Lean into the Emotions

I think one of the biggest aspects of learning to embrace change is knowing when to allow yourself to feel. Emotions are scary sometimes, but they’re also the thing that makes us human. Trying to ignore the signs your body and mind are sharing with you will inevitably lead to burnout.

So if you need to wrap yourself up in a big old blanket and cry- do it! Equally, if you find yourself feeling optimistic and happy- lean into that. When you’re going through change, it’s important to embrace the full rollercoaster of emotions you will inevitably go through.

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