Persuasion is Jane Austen’s last completed novel and, in my opinion, her best. Yes, Pride and Prejudice is light, bright and sparkling- with a host of characters that delight the reader but there’s something about Persuasion that sticks with you …
romance fiction february

Georgette Heyer: The Mother of Regency Romance
80 years ago when a young Georgette Heyer sat down to write her first, and arguably the world’s first, Regency Romance: Regency Buck I like to think she knew exactly what she was doing. Anyone who puts as much attention to detail …
Review: Playing By The Greek’s Rules by Sarah Morgan
When I was deciding what to kick off Romance Fiction February off with, a really brilliant Mills & Boon was the only logical choice. That’s because whenever I’m in the mood for sheer, unadulterated romance fiction only a Mills & Boon will …
The Female Scriblerian’s Romance Fiction February
Hi everyone and happy February to you all! Since February is officially the month of Love I couldn’t resist running a series called ‘The Female Scriblerian’s Romance Fiction February’ or RFF for short! Basically, it’s an excuse for me to …