Where to Start with The Brontes

Where To Start with The Brontës – The Ultimate Reading Guide

(I only share books that I believe in. If you buy through my links, I may earn a commission. Thank you for your support) Regarding the question of where to start with the Brontës, opinions differ wildly. Fans tend to …

5 Authors Like Georgette Heyer

5 Authors Like Georgette Heyer

There is only one Georgette Heyer. Her style is distinct. Her novels are well crafted. And for many, she’s the golden standard from which most rivals fall short. So, when looking for authors like Georgette Heyer, I decided to focus …

Sanditon by Jane Austen

Sanditon by Jane Austen: How to Adapt an Unfinished Book

Sanditon by Jane Austen has delighted and frustrated fans since it was first published- in fragment form. What was this book, which occupied Jane’s final months on Earth, going to be about? Does it hint at the brilliance or decline …

What I Read in May

What I Read in May, 2019

It’s time for What I Read in May, my monthly round up of mini reviews. This past month was a diverse one, including a memoir as well as literary fiction. Despite the fact that I suffered serious book burnout at …

The Causeway Coast

Hiking the Causeway Coast in Northern Ireland

One of the first truly sunny days of the year, I decided to go on an adventure hiking Causeway Coast. When you can’t drive, adventures are limited to where you can realistically get on foot or by public transport. Luckily …
