Friday’s Favourite: Rhubarb and Vanilla Candle

Ok, it’s been a bit of a slow week, so I don’t have any earth shattering, life changing favourite to announce, but it’s the little things that matter right? I’ve also been struck down by the zillionth cold I’ve had …

Warm Bodies: Isaac Marion

First of all, I will admit I only heard about this book because of the film adaptation. The adverts have been everywhere recently and they sparked my attention, first because they chose a Black Keys song as a theme tune …

Through A Glass Darkly- Jostein Gaarder

This is genuinely one of those sorts of books that just stays with you forever. If I could have my way I would give it to everyone to read but, alas, my funds won’t quite stretch that far. There are …

The Lifeboat- Charlotte Rogan

“It is 1914, and Europe is on the brink of war. When a magnificent ocean liner suffers a mysterious explosion en route to New York City, Henry Winter manages to secure a place in a lifeboat for his new wife …

My favourite Jane Austen novel

My Favourite Jane Austen Novel

It probably comes as no surprise that this week’s “Friday’s Favourite” is the Great One herself, Jane Austen! What came as a surprise to me, however, is how hard it is to think of something to say about Jane Austen that …

Will The Real Mr Darcy Please Stand Up?

When I say Mr Darcy, what, or who, do you think of? You’ve probably got a pretty specific image in your head right now as you read this. Is it: Colin Firth, and a certain lake? maybe, Matthew MacFayden? Or …
