Earlier this year my sister and I finally got the chance to visit Paris. The city of light. It’s the one place that features on most bucket lists and it had been on ours for years. Needless to say, we loved …

Earlier this year my sister and I finally got the chance to visit Paris. The city of light. It’s the one place that features on most bucket lists and it had been on ours for years. Needless to say, we loved …
Once upon a time I would have told you I loved being in a busy, frenetic environment. I’m a city-girl, born and bred, and wore that identity like a badge of honour. Living in the country side? No thanks! Give me crowds, …
Hands up if you love a good life affirming book? You know, the kind that makes you remember all the good things in life. If your hand is raised (you can put it down now) then Piglettes by Clementine Beauvais …
When looking for good books to read when you’re sick or recovering from a cold I have two rules. 1) They can’t be too sad. 2) They have to be good enough to help me forget my sniffles. In terms …
I’m not a morning person. Not by any stretch of the imagination! For a long time I just assumed this was the way things were. I didn’t mean to be a grumpy, antisocial person for the first hour after waking …
How to beat a reading slump? That’s the question! Recently, I’ve had a little bit of trouble with reading. I could give you a list as long as my arm featuring all the books I have tried to read. But …