Where to start with Virginia Woolf. That’s a great question. Best known for Mrs Dalloway and A Room of One’s Own, she’s the kind of author that feels larger than life and so important it can be off-putting. You’ve likely heard of her, …

Where to start with Virginia Woolf. That’s a great question. Best known for Mrs Dalloway and A Room of One’s Own, she’s the kind of author that feels larger than life and so important it can be off-putting. You’ve likely heard of her, …
Today I am proudly introducing Things I’ve Been Loving in June! Something a little different. If you’ve been reading here long, you’ll be familiar with my “What I’ve Been Reading Lately” series that has been running since the start of the …
We all have bad days. Whether they’re the “wake up on the wrong side of bed” kind or a little bit more serious, they’re an unavoidable part of life. But the good news is there are plenty of ways to boost …
This June marks 100 years since The Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West was published. And this debut work, a stunning paean to grief, war, love and the pressure to live a good life, is one that you need to read soon.
The weather turned glorious in May and this meant that I spent a lot of time outside! You’ve got to seize the day when you live in Belfast, as you can never be sure when grey skies and rain will …
Today we’re going to look at the best books set in England (but not London!). Just walking around your bookshop will give you a sense of the breadth of great fiction that is written in England. But for some reason, …