Showing: 79 - 84 of 152 RESULTS
What I've been reading lately

What I’ve Been Reading Lately: January

Welcome to a brand new month! February is finally here but, before we dive in, it’s the perfect opportunity to share what I’ve been reading lately. January felt like the longest month, I don’t know about you but I can …

best books set in Iceland and Greenland

10 Best Books Set in Iceland and Greenland

When the days are short, the nights are dark and winter truly sets in, there’s nothing better than curling up with a good book. Particularly when that book is one of the 10 best books set in Iceland and Greenland. After …

my 2018 plans and goals

My 2018 Plans and Goals

Can you believe it’s already the second week in 2018? I have been meaning to sit down and gather my thoughts about my 2018 plans and goals since New Years Day, but days flew by. Still, it’s never too late …

Piglettes by Clementine Beauvais

Review: Piglettes by Clementine Beauvais

Hands up if you love a good life affirming book? You know, the kind that makes you remember all the good things in life. If your hand is raised (you can put it down now) then Piglettes by Clementine Beauvais  …

Books to read when you're sick

Books to read when you’re sick or recovering from a cold

When looking for good books to read when you’re sick or recovering from a cold I have two rules. 1) They can’t be too sad. 2) They have to be good enough to help me forget my sniffles. In terms …
