Showing: 67 - 72 of 152 RESULTS
Where to Start with Virginia Woolf

Where to Start with Virginia Woolf: The Ultimate Reading Guide

Where to start with Virginia Woolf. That’s a great question. Best known for Mrs Dalloway and A Room of One’s Own, she’s the kind of author that feels larger than life and so important it can be off-putting.  You’ve likely heard of her, …

The Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West

Book Review: The Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West

This June marks 100 years since The Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West was published. And this debut work, a stunning paean to grief, war, love and the pressure to live a good life, is one that you need to read soon.

best books set in England

10 Best Books Set in England (But Not London)

Today we’re going to look at the best books set in England (but not London!). Just walking around your bookshop will give you a sense of the breadth of great fiction that is written in England. But for some reason, …

What I've Been Reading Lately April

What I’ve Been Reading Lately: April

Here we are in another new month! I have a couple of really good books to share with you from my “What I’ve Been Reading Lately” pile. This month started with two books that were quick reads, but very though …

The Living Mountain by Nan Shepherd

Book Review: The Living Mountain by Nan Shepherd

At times, as a reader, I find myself craving a book that is quiet and contemplative yet filled with inspiration. Usually, I gravitate towards so-called “motivational books” when this happens. But when I encountered The Living Mountain by Nan Shepherd, …
