Showing: 25 - 30 of 36 RESULTS

Books I Didn’t Finish

We all have them don’t we? Books that are started with the best of intentions only to be given up on for one reason or another before they are finished. Books that languish on the bedside table, or ones you …

The Trouble With Valentine’s- Kelly Hunter

I had initially planned to have this book finished for Valentine’s Day, in fact I went on a hunt for a book with “Valentine’s” in the title specifically so that I could review it. That said, I was actually surprised …

Warm Bodies: Isaac Marion

First of all, I will admit I only heard about this book because of the film adaptation. The adverts have been everywhere recently and they sparked my attention, first because they chose a Black Keys song as a theme tune …

Through A Glass Darkly- Jostein Gaarder

This is genuinely one of those sorts of books that just stays with you forever. If I could have my way I would give it to everyone to read but, alas, my funds won’t quite stretch that far. There are …

The Lifeboat- Charlotte Rogan

“It is 1914, and Europe is on the brink of war. When a magnificent ocean liner suffers a mysterious explosion en route to New York City, Henry Winter manages to secure a place in a lifeboat for his new wife …

Happy 200th Birthday Pride and Prejudice!

Ok, I’m going to have to ask you to indulge me a bit here. I love Pride and Prejudice, I wrote part of my masters dissertation on this novel. I have read this novel, forwards, backwards, upside down and sideways. …
