We might be ten days into the new decade already, but it’s never too late to think about my plans and goals for 2020, and beyond.
Welcome to the third annual goals and plans post on The Female Scriblerian (see 2018 & 2019 here). After three years of publishing my ambitions for the year, I feel like I’ve learned what works for me. And more importantly, what doesn’t. Being too specific doesn’t work for me. When I set a strict goal, my reaction is to immediately rebel against it. Especially when it feels arbitrary, like trying to read 50 books in one year, for example.
Additionally, choosing goals with no follow up, like going to a language class, are like quick wins. They’re not really a long term goal for me. So when they’re done, they’re done. Which is why this year I’m trying something a little different and approaching my plans and goals for 2020 in a thematic way. By using some big picture thinking, I’ll be able to turn the ideas I usually use as goals into ways to enhance an overall area of my life.
The word that keeps popping up when I think of what I want to get out of the new year, and decade, is Simplify. I feel like 2019 was really tough for a lot of us. For me, this was compounded by feeling overwhelmed a lot. By the news, by responsibilities, by my own expectations. In 2020, I want to take time to evaluate what is really important to me. Like spring cleaning my life, I suppose!
-Reading (and other hobbies)-

Do Less with More Purpose
It’s tempting, when looking at my plans and goals for 2020, to fill this page with lots of brand new things I’d theoretically like to achieve in the future. But what about the things I already love? I feel like at this point in the game, I have a pretty good idea of what I like spending my time on and what I don’t.
These hobbies wax and wain but they’re pretty consistent. Reading, Baking/Cooking, Writing and Being Outside/Travelling. So while it’s tempting to look at the things I’m not doing, the grass isn’t always greener. This year I want to take the time to delve deeper into the interests I already have and try and get more out of them.
How I’m going to implement this goal
- Try a reading challenge
- Go to a cooking class
- Start (and finish!) a creative project
- Dedicate time to writing fiction (eek!)
- Walk more
– Living –

Tackle my Consumerism
Life has taught me to be a consumer. I buy new clothes because it’s Saturday and I fancy a trip out to the town. I buy books because it feels nice to own shelves upon shelves of my favourite tomes. My life is cluttered with things I acquire for no reason except the thrill of acquisition.
But I think a lot of us are waking up to the impact this level of consumerism is having on our planet. In the same way as I’ve managed to (almost) stop using disposable cups last year; one of my plans and goals for 2020 is to turn my attention to the rest of my wasteful consumption.
How I’m going to implement this goal
- Finally get (and use) a library card
- Try not to buy new clothes I don’t need
- Look for alternative activities than shopping
- Meal Plan to tackle food waste

Invest in the people I love
To wrap up my plans and goals for 2020 I want to talk about travelling. I’m lucky to have friends and family who live across the world, in interesting and exciting places. (Paul, if you’re reading this- I’m finally coming to visit!).
In the past I’ve been guilty of want to travel just to chalk up another destination on a list. But this year I want to use travelling as a means to invest in the people I love. That doesn’t mean my love of exploring new places has disappeared though, it just want to be more intentional about who I experience it with.
How I’m going to implement this goal
- Go on a family holiday
- Travel to see friends
- Solo travel trip (because I count as a person I love!)
What are your plans and goals for 2020?
Do you make goals for the New Year? Or do you think they’re a bit of a waste of time? Even if I don’t reach my goals, I find that taking time to envision a better way to use my time is incredibly useful!